CAS Registration BIR: Frequently Asked Questions

PUBLISHED: November 4, 2022
In this blog, we will discuss the Frequently Asked Questions regarding Computerized Accounting System or CAS Registration with the BIR. This information is all according to REVENUE MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 5-2021, a memorandum superseding some requirements from the previously followed Revenue Memorandum Circular 9-2009.
Question: Who needs to go through CAS Registration with the BIR?
Answer: CAS Registration is a BIR Mandate and mandatory to All Large Taxpayers. So if you find that your business is scaling towards the large taxpayer category, it is time to look for a Computerized Accounting Software and go through CAS Registration with the BIR.

Question: Do you still need a Permit to Use CAS?
Answer: Not anymore! For new applicants, that requirement is no longer a part of the CAS Registration BIR prerequisite. You can now choose an accounting system without a Permit to Use, as RMC No.5-2021 has stated that you can apply using a Permit to Adopt CAS instead. This is your sign to research and check for a Computerized Accounting System.
Question: What happens if my chosen system is not CAS-Compliant?
Answer: Your CAS registration with the BIR may cause a roadblock in your operation if you make a mistake in choosing a non-BIR-compliant accounting software. According to RMO No.7-2015, you will be subject to penalties if the system registered in your business does not pass the CAS post-evaluation by the BIR. Cross-check with trusted CPAs in the industry which accounting software is trusted to pass in the CAS Registration BIR.
Question: Is CAS Registration BIR a one-time thing?
Answer: The answer is no, and it depends. If the business continues to grow and/or takes a different direction, it is inevitable that different modules are needed to be added in the CAS System. If you refer to RMC No.5-2021 6, it shows you that if any financial effects reflected on the system are drastically different than the previous system, the business must re-apply for another CAS Registration. However, minor system changes only require a written notice sent to the BIR RDO Office stating the enhancements of the system, as stated in RMC No.5-2021 7.
We hope that some of your questions about CAS Registration BIR are answered by this blog! If you are looking for a BIR-Compliant and a CAS-Compliant Accounting System, look no further than QNE Software. QNE Software is specifically made for the Philippine setting, so you can be sure that your Computerized Accounting System follows BIR Regulations and is always Government-Compliant.
If you are interested in upgrading to a BIR-Ready Online Accounting System, take your accounting to a whole new level and unleash the power of AI with QNE Cloud Accounting Software. Create your FREE Cloud Accounting Plan now!